Design, Code, Performance, Usability, Accessibility

Accessibility warnings for dynamic web content.

AccessLint: quickly add dynamic accessibility testing to your development workflow

'Accesslint github site'

I consider accessibility testing an important part any Frontend development workflow so I'm constantly on the lookout for tools that can make the process easier. Recently I came across a lightweight JavaScript library that allows you to quickly add accessibility testing to any project in under a minute.

Created by the Accesslint team, accesslint.js , when added to any page, allows you to view accessibility warnings/errors in your browser's console. What's unique is that accesslint.js will even return errors for dynamic content.

'head code'


  • Add the link to the script below above your closing body tag.
  • View the page in your browsers and check your console for errors and warnings.
<script src=""></script>

Visit the Access Lint GitHub page for more information and detailed install instructions. Enjoy!

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